094   00Island presents ‘Impossible 0bject(s)’ at Frieze London 2021

c art on water bottle
Water bottle (installation view)

10 x 4 x 5 cm

c art on water bottle
Water bottle (installation view)

10 x 4 x 5 cm

NullIsland was commissioned by galleries Karin Guenther and Kadel Willborn (Germany) and blank (South Africa) to stage an ‘Impossible Object’ at a solo booth presentation at Frieze London 2021. Null Island chose the ubiquitous c art on water bottle in its discarded form. This seemingly inconspicuous object immediately and perceptibly inflicted violence upon the institutional context it was presented in and drew crowds. Null Island is interested in what happens to an artwork when its function in the institutional context is disrupted by its conditions, and what happens when these works gain in time high visibility in the art world, both in terms of their photographic documentation and circulation, and through their presence in major international exhibitions. How do they hold up to the conditions of their historicization. [Frieze London 2021, 12.10.2021–17.10.2021]


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